When filing a Personal Injury Claim, one of the first and most important actions to take after a personal injury occurs is to enlist a knowledgeable lawyer who can help you file a claim. Every state has a legal deadline by which time you must file a case after you have been harmed, otherwise you will be forever prevented from doing so in the future. Our firm encourages individuals to seek attorney counsel as soon as possible after you have been harmed. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case so that we can provide you with the necessary information and help you take the best course of action.
Losing a loved one is never easy, but the grief and pain can seem even more overwhelming if someone else’s negligence or recklessness is to blame. At the Valles Law Firm, we know how difficult the emotional and financial hardships can be for those facing the death of a spouse, parent, or child. For years Charles E. Valles has families with dedicated, aggressive representation so that guilty parties are held liable for their actions and that victims receive compensation for grief and anguish, loss of wages, and other damages.
Causes of Wrongful Death
If someone’s negligent or reckless actions result in the death of another individual, then a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed to hold the guilty party accountable. Reckless or negligent drivers can be sued for wrongful death if their actions result in car, truck, motorcycle, or other types of motor vehicle accidents in which someone is killed. Doctors or other healthcare providers can be held accountable under medical malpractice law if their negligent care is responsible for the death of a patient. They can also be held responsible if their failure to diagnose the patient’s condition resulted in his or her death, whereas other doctors might have been able to make a correct diagnosis.
Fatal accidents can also occur at construction sites or other workplaces in addition to stores, private homes, and public grounds.
Wrongful Death Damages
Individuals who file wrongful death cases are often eligible to receive some of the largest settlements that are awarded in court. Although no amount of money is sufficient to take the place of a loved one, substantial settlements are often awarded to account for the loss of companionship, grief and anguish. In addition, damages can be awarded for the projected income that the deceased individual would have made for the rest of his or her life. Lastly, additional punitive damages can be awarded for the purpose of punishing the guilty party and to help prevent similar accidents or incidents from happening in the future.
We are currently reviewing birth/fetal injury cases potentially caused when the mother or father was exposed to certain types of materials or chemicals used in heavy industry and other manufacturing businesses. Medical literature often establishes links between birth defects or fetal problems and workplace exposures at chemical facilities, refineries, paper mills, steel mills, and other industrial and manufacturing facilities.
What types of birth injuries can be linked to chemical exposures?
Certain exposures to several different industrial materials can cause significant physical and mental birth/fetal defects, including, but not limited to:
- Missing organs
- Deformed organs
- Cardiac/heart defects
- Cognitive impairment
If your son, daughter, or grandchild has any of these conditions, and a parent worked at a chemical plant, refinery, or other industrial facility, you should call the law office of Charles Valles. His extensive experience in complex scientific and medical cases can be put to work to help you and your child who has suffered.
Our skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of the body. A serious burn can kill or at the very least, be completely life-altering. Serious burns can leave you with terrible pain, disfigurement and scarring, and if you or a loved one is going through this, we know you want answers on what you can do now.
At the very least, if the burn injury was possibly caused by the negligence of another person or entity, you may be able to sue for negligence or wrongful death.
Given the pain and suffering that burns can cause, legal settlements from burn injuries can be substantial. If you are suffering from severe pain and have medical bills piling up for your burn treatments, this could be a huge help to you.
Along with damage to the spinal cord, injuries to the head and brain are among the most serious types of personal injury that can occur. Individuals who suffer head or traumatic brain injuries can become paralyzed or develop cognitive difficulties such as memory loss or behavioral and emotional changes. Other symptoms can include consistent headaches and neck pain, blurred vision, and dizziness.
Types of Head Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries can be caused by either closed or open head injuries. Closed head injuries occur when a blunt object or abrupt movement causes the brain to hit the inside of the skull. These types of injuries often can cause conditions such as swelling and hemorrhaging that the victim may not be aware of at first but if left untreated, can lead to severe brain damage.
Open head injuries occur when an object penetrates through the skull bone or when the skull is fractured. The brain can be damaged from a foreign object or from a piece of the skull bone. Individuals who suffer open brain injuries are at an additional risk of the area becoming infected.
Both open and closed head injuries can cause traumatic brain injuries that in severe cases result in debilitating and life-altering conditions. If you have a loved one who has suffered a head or traumatic brain injury, the injury attorneys at our practice are committed to providing compassionate counsel and aggressive legal representation. Although no amount of money can cover the pain and grief caused by these accidents, we will work to secure maximum financial compensation to help defray the costs of medical care, lost wages, and other damages. Contact our office for a thorough review of your case.
Brain and Head Injury Causes
Some of the most common causes of head and traumatic brain injuries include car, truck, and motorcycle accidents. These injuries can be sustained if the victim’s head strikes the inside of the vehicle or breaks through the windshield.
In other instances, head and traumatic brain injuries can result from trip and fall or slip and fall accidents if the victim’s head strikes the ground. If these accidents occur on property that belongs to another party and were caused by the property owner’s negligence, then a premises liability lawsuit can be filed. Gunshot wounds and acts of violence can also cause head and traumatic brain injuries. In all cases, our head and traumatic brain injury attorneys and lawyers will work to ensure that justice is served and that responsible parties are held accountable for their actions.
Individuals who have suffered spinal cord injuries may be entitled to receive financial compensation if another party’s recklessness or negligence is to blame. Spinal cord injuries are often caused by car, truck, motorcycle, and other types of automobile accidents. Other drivers and their insurance companies can be held liable if accidents are caused by the driver’s failure to follow traffic laws or to pay proper attention to the road.
Spinal cord injuries can result in paraplegia, quadriplegia, and other conditions that result in a substantial diminishment in the victim’s quality of life as well as expensive medical care.

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